Monday, July 4, 2011

Trust is a Soap Bubble

Trust, what a concept. What a beautiful, delicate, fragile thing. And yet, almost our entire life needs trust in one aspect or another. With our friends, our family, our coworkers, our business partners, etc. When we are growing up, the people we meet, we naturally assume that they are trustworthy, until they prove otherwise. But if you do that, you are called naive. As if that was a bad thing.

When did cynicism become the natural, and accepted way of living? The last season of the tv show House, had a character, a Dr. Masters. House set out to "cure" her of her naiveté throughout the season. And we laugh at her foolishness. But, really, is it foolish? Maybe in todays day and age it is. And that is a very sad thing.

Used to be, a man could shake hands, and you knew that he could be trusted. If someone gave their word, you knew it was their bond. Sadly now if you extend trust, you are more likely to get hurt, abused, conned, etc. But without trust, in ourselves, and others, we will live a very bleak life won't we? How empty our life is.

How many friends will we have if we can't trust anyone? If we can't trust anyone, who will pick us up when we stumble? Are we there to pick up our friends when they stumble? When friends betray us, it's painful. When family betrays us it's excruciating. When our love betrays us, it's devastating. We learn not to trust, to keep our trust to ourselves. It's a natural reaction to being hurt, to protect ourselves from getting hurt again. We close up, we don't let people in.

But what are the consequences of this? Yeah, we might not be hurt anymore, but we miss out on so many opportunities. In friendships, in business, and in relationships. How many business deals have you missed? Opportunities that slipped away because of your fear? How many friends could you have had? But fear kept you from opening up? Relationships, what love have you missed out on, because you were too afraid to let them in.

Remember, it's is a two way street. When someone wants to be friends they are facing the same dilemma you are. They are sometimes just as afraid of extending their trust to you, as you are to them. And do you know what happens when you don't trust someone? That's hurts the person who is extending their friendship, their trust. People take a risk and open their hearts, and you withdraw, prevaricate, let fear hold you back. You let indecision hold you in place.

You miss out.

Yeah, it's scary to trust. Especially when you have been hurt before. I've been there, I know. It hurts like almost nothing else can. When you feel your world crashing down around your ears. And you have a bit empty hole where your heart used to be. But, I also know that you will miss out on some of the best friendships/relationships of your life when you let the fear control you.
I know it's hard, to learn to trust again. To overcome your fear and take a risk. Yeah, you might get hurt again. That is a risk that you take. But when you find someone trustworthy, then the hurt you have experienced is worth it. That feeling when your faith in someone or something is vindicated.

Some people might say it's your own fault for being so naive and trusting. But I say Bullshit! It's THEIR fault for not being trustworthy. It is up to us to be men and women of honor. It is up to us to make a difference in our life, and the lives of those around us. These are responsibilities we have. We have to be trustworthy. Are you a man or woman of your word? Are you a man or woman of honor? Do your friends trust you? Can they count on you?

You need to take a look at yourself and see what kind of character do you have. Are you someone who people can release their fear with? When you are a trustworthy person, the rewards are amazing. In business when you are trusted you are given raises, better jobs, better opportunities. In life, the quality of your friends is awesome. People want someone to trust.

Remember, when someone extends their trust to you, it is YOUR responsibility to keep that trust. You have been given a very precious gift. I try my best to be dependable, and trustworthy. I do my very best to keep my word. I hope that, when I'm gone, people will say about me, "he was someone you could trust" I think there can be almost no higher praise. Strive for something in this world. Stand out. Be Trustworthy.

1 comment:

Amy-frtnr said...

Yeah, when we build walls to protect ourselves, they just become our prison.