Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Overcoming your Fear - Dani Johnson

This is from my notes that I made while listening to a motivational conference call.

Overcoming your Fear - Dani Johnson

Fear of Failure.
Fear of Rejection
Fear of Humiliation
Fear of doing it wrong or Making a mistake

In your job/career, have you made the decision that this is your chosen profession?
"Where there is no commitment, there is fear"
You must walk by faith and not by sight.

In order for you to succeed, and overcome your fear, you have to decide that you will do this no matter what happens, that you are not going to be on the fence no matter how long it takes.


Because it's going to be worth it.

Those that only do a halfhearted commitment, don't succeed. Only those who burn the bridges to their doubt and fear make it happen.

If you are not convinced, and you haven't made the decision to commit 100 percent, then you lack the faith, and your posture is weak, and that weakness leads to fear, and fear leads to failure.

You have to act upon what you have said that you will do.

Are you all talk?

When you first started you first career or job in the workplace, I guarantee that you were afraid. When you first start something new you are uncomfortable, you are uneasy.

That's called life.

By the end of the first day you are more comfortable, by the end of the first week, you are feeling much better, by the end of the first month it's almost routine, etc..

We have trained ourselves to drive on autopilot.
When we first start driving, we are afraid, we are nervous. But as we drive, and learn, and practice, we get better, until we don't have to think about it anymore, we just do it.

When you realize that this fear/nervousness is a normal feeling whenever you start something new, you can overcome this fear, because you have already overcome it before.

Idle hands and lips lead to poverty.
You have something burning in you to not settle for less.
You know that you have not been giving it your best shot, the time is now.

10 steps to overcoming your fear:

1 You are a product of your environment:
When we surround ourselves with people who are going nowhere, we go nowhere. But when we surround ourselves with people who are going somewhere, then we will reach our destination. Hang out with people who are building a business, not talking about, but doing it.

2 Doubt: Don't open the door to doubt. When you entertain a seed of doubt. Those thoughts of doubt will continue to snowball, if you even entertain even just one thought of doubt, they will grow and you will fail. You have to listen to what is in your own head. Are you meditating on what is working? Or what is not working? When you start to feel doubt, you make the decision to make it happen. Do not agree with doubt. You must root it out. You must move forward. It's a decision, that you must make, to move forward in faith.

3 Commitment: Are you 100% sold out? Are you going to step up your commitment level? Make that commitment to yourself. A person who has made that commitment is someone who will invest in themselves. And move forward. Someone who has a strong commitment is staying away from doubt.

4 Surround your self with like minded individuals: Are your companions people of dreams? People of vision? Or are they people who have given up and are just waiting to die? Have they become drones? Surround yourself with people who are living and growing.

5 No action = Fear: Step up now. When we slow down in our activity level we give in to fear.

6 Listen to tapes. Listen to things that inspire and motivate you. Constantly control what goes into your mind. Everything starts with a thought. Life or death is in the tongue, and if you continue to speak negativity, you are speaking death, to yourself and others. Listen to what you are saying.

7 You need to stay involved: Invest in yourself and your education. No excuse for you not to stay involved no matter your income level. You are being influenced wether you know it or not. By radio, tv, music, friends, etc...what are you motivating yourself? What are you being groomed for? Success or Failure? What are you listening to?
We get off track so easily... idleness leads to fear leads to doubt leads to unbelief leads to failure..

8 Practice practice practice: You would be amazed how your skill will improve if you just triple the number of people you are in front of. You will get better.

9 Never ever quit: Quitting is not an option no matter what. If you have a point of failure, then you are entertaining fear. You will have people quit, you will have people flake, you will face trials, but do not quit. If you interact with people, you will face trials. I am never quitting. Quitting is never an option.

10 You need to have a strong revelation and realize that if you don't do this, what will happen? If you don't overcome your fear? You Will Fail. If you think that it wont happen to you, god help you. We sit idly bye and let things happen, when we could have done something. People die every day because of ignorance. We are going further and further into debt every year, the writing is on the wall. There will be massive regret when you settle for less, and miss your chance, because of your fear.

It is your skill that you bring to the marketplace, not your fears.

You can get over your fear, you can improve. If you just make the decision, and close the door to fear. Things will begin to happen, you will begin to grown and succeed.
If you are willing to rise up and make something happen, you can make a difference in the people around you.
Let's not cast down debt to our children, let's not cast down fear, idleness to our children.
We have to step up first and show an example.

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