Sunday, November 25, 2012

Ireland Day 5

Today was a lazy day.

Got up around 8am, watched TV for a bit, hung out with the family, read a book. This afternoon we drove to Tralee to have dinner in Muenster's Pub. Every year there is a pageant in Ireland, and the United States called the "Rose of Tralee Festival" You can read more about the festival here: My sister Shoshana participated in the festival for several years in the Dallas regional competition. The winner from each region gets to compete in the international festival in Tralee, Ireland. Though she never won, she made some great friends through the festival, and one of her goals during our stay here was to go to Tralee and eat in the pub that hosts some of the participants.

It was great. We got to meet the owner John O'Sullivan and had a great time talking to him.

Came back to our Villa and some of us shared a bottle of Mead. It's a honey-based wine, very good.

Tomorrow is our last full day here in Ireland. :(

As always there are photos, though not many today since we didn't really get out.

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